Compare and contrast

Shut The BorderYESNO
Dismantle The Sanctuary StateYESNO
Stop Illegal Alien Voting-Require Proof Of CitizenshipYESNO
Support The CopsYESNO
Inflation Is Caused By Government Over Spending Not Corporate PricingYESNO
End All Free Healthcare To Illegal AliensYESNO
Cut Taxes-Gas Tax/Electricity Tax/Carbon TaxYESNO
Never Raise TaxesYESNO
Stop Race Based College Admissions-Merit OnlyYESNO
Believes You Cannot Change GenderYESNO
Require Schools To Tell Parents When Their Children Want To Change GenderYESNO
Give Parents School ChoiceYESNO
Provide Rehab For Drugs/Alcohol First For Homeless CrisisYESNO
Stop Freebies To Homeless - Ca Has 50% Of Nation's HomelessYESNO
Stop Illegal Aliens Adding To HomelessnessYESNO
Green New Deal
Believes That The World Will Not End From Climate ChangeYESNO
Remove Taxes On Electricity BillsYESNO
Remove Mandate Requiring 100% Electric CarsYESNO
Do Not Outlaw All Oil & GasYESNO
Remove Carbon TaxesYESNO
No Off-Shore Windmill MandatesYESNO
2nd Amendment
Less Not More Laws Restricting Law Abiding Citizens Use Of GunsYESNO
Make Concealed Carry Permits For Law Abiding Citizens EasierYESNO
Protect Babies That Are Born Alive From An AbortionYESNO
Stop Late Term AbortionsYESNO
Stop Paying For Abortion TourismYESNO

Lives in the District

Scotty has lived in Irvine for over 30 years.

Cottie lives in Laguna Beach, with her husband where her children attend Laguna Beach Schools. She “moved” into the district in 2022 to run where the Democratic Registration was more favorable. She rents an apartment in Quail Hill to allegedly comply with residency.


The Border

Scotty wants to shut down the border. The Biden/Harris Administration has created a disaster on the border and California crime has soared because of it. Scotty wants to end the Sanctuary State. Stop giving harbor and freebies to Illegal Aliens. Scotty supports Prop 36 to reverse the shoplifting limits that prop 47 stuck us with 10 years ago.

Cottie voted to give Illegal Aliens free Medical Care, Free Housing, and DOES NOT want to require proof of citizenship to vote. She opposes Prop 36, allowing criminal gangs to go unpunished.


Scotty wants to cut taxes, lower your gas taxes, cut government spending, be energy independent. Cottie and the Democrats have caused inflation to be sky high. Gas costs are almost double what they were 4 years ago. But the Democrats keep raising taxes and want to raise them further making life unaffordable for most families.

Cottie has voted for all these Economy killers:

Cost of living

  • Inflation caused by government spending, borrowing,
  • Fuel/energy costs
  • Food costs, your double-double costs double!
  • Over regulation

Higher taxes

  • Gas tax
  • Carbon ta
  • xUtility tax, based on income
  • Higher Electricity bills

Higher Electricity bills

  • Green requirements, no gas, no oil, no hydro, no nuclear, only non-reliable wind/solar.
  • Newsom and the Democrats have Demolished 4 hydro electric dams in the last 2 years.
  • Not building new water reservoirs or replacing hydro-electric plants.

Higher gas costs

  • Raising gas taxes
  • Extra regulation
  • Importing oil rather than drilling for it
  • Carbon taxes for anything related to hydro-carbon

Education/Parental Rights

Scotty wants to provide more power to parents, including school choice where the money follows the student rather than the student following the money to government schools.

Cottie and the Democrats, instead of improving the performance of schools and better educating our kids, wants to change the gender of your kid and not tell you, requires tampons in the boy’s bathrooms, take your kid out of school and give her an abortion and not tell you, her parents. She is more concerned that there are the right numbers of favored races in colleges rather than the most qualified students.

The Green New Deal

Scotty believes in the science which shows that climate is changing and it is normal and not man-made. Climate change is not necessarily bad. Longer growing seasons world-wide means more food production, which is a good thing.

Cottie and the Democrats believe that the planet will end if man doesn’t stop producing “greenhouse gases”, yet they don’t want hydroelectric or nuclear power. Both sources are reliable and do not produce greenhouse gases. This makes people realize that their goal is control of us minions, not actually reducing greenhouse gases. In other words, Climate Change is a hoax! Cottie still wants to get rid of your gas car, gas stove and gas BBQ, while increasing taxes on gas/electricity/natural gas.

2nd Amendment

Scotty believes that the second amendment is to protect us against all sorts of evil. Criminals or tyrants. It should be easier for law abiding citizens to own and use guns responsibly.

Again Cottie and the Democrats talk as though guns cause violence, and that limiting access to guns will solve the violence problem. Most people realize that these Democrat style laws limit law abiding citizens, not criminals. Disarming the good guys and giving the bad guys an advantage, not making anything safer.

Family Issues

Petrie-Norris wants to make sure every abortion that could happen, does and is using tax dollars to pay for the abortion, to make sure it happens. She wants to pay for woman in other states to come to CA to have an abortion. She supports abortion right up to the point of birth, and if the baby is born alive, she is OK with not giving the baby any medical assistance and changed the law to not hold the mom accountable for letting her baby die on purpose.

Cottie is an Elitist

  • Lives in Laguna Beach
  • Went to an Ivy League School
  • Wants open borders
  • Is OK with $950 Minimum Shoplifting minimum for prosecution (no penalties)
  • Is OK with early release of criminals
  • Won’t deport illegal alien child molesters
  • Is OK with the Sanctuary State and freebies to illegal aliens.
  • Wants to give preferences to certain minorities over Asians/Caucasians for college admissions rather than being based on Merit.
  • Thinks schools know better how to raise our children than parents.
  • Doesn’t want parents to know if their child wants to change Genders or has an Abortion
  • Put tampons in the boy’s bathrooms
  • Believes you can change your gender by changing your pronouns.
  • Believes that LQBTQ rights are more important than your children’s education
  • Wants to get rid of your gas stove
  • Wants to force you to drive an electric car
  • Wants big ugly windmills on offshore rigs
  • Thinks that wind and solar energy are free and reliable
  • Wants “affordable” Housing next to you, but not next to her.
  • Supports late term abortions
  • Supports disproportionate numbers of minority abortions over Caucasian abortions
  • Doesn’t want to require proof of citizenship to vote.